We aim to become the central publication platform for the rapidly expanding construction robotics community, and a prominent forum for related research work of architects and civil engineers.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. techn.
Sigrid Brell-Cokcan
This journal addresses the emerging application of robotics in the domain of construction and demolition, linking robotics researchers with those in architecture and civil engineering. Coverage includes robotic automation at all stages of work from pre-fabrication of large scale components, through job-site assembly and inspection, to refurbishment and demolition.
Articles will explore research and applications of robotic assembly, prefabrication and disassembly in construction settings; robotic site mapping and real-time vision; material handling systems; social, environmental and legislative implications of construction robotics; and more.
- Design for robotic construction
- Metro logy, automated inspection and monitoring
- Robotic assembly and disassembly, robotic prefabrication
- Adaptive systems for in homogeneous material handling/processing
- Control of (semi)-autonomous robots, flexible programming, human-robot collaboration
- Environment mapping and recognition, real-time vision, sensor fusion
- Heavy duty robot platforms, specialized robot systems for construction
- Studies of construction robot systems
- Social, environmental, and legislative implications of construction robotics.
The journal seeks contributions that:
- Introduce technologies that enable construction robotics
- Compare or validate technologies suited for construction robotics
- Introduce or validate robot systems relevant for the domain
- Report on applications of construction robotics
- Report on systems deployed in operational environments
- Introduce or study architectural designs utilizing construction robotics